Gerard way hesitant alien album cover
Gerard way hesitant alien album cover

gerard way hesitant alien album cover

This was accompanied by a new website featuring concept artwork for the album and a new logo. Records, Gerard went on to announce the beginning of his solo career with the release of an advance-single, "Action Cat", on June 11, 2014. This was followed by the release of a greatest hits album entitled May Death Never Stop You a year later. 0&((window.dataLayer,eventsQueue),eventsQueue=),isCurrentlyReporting=!1)}function initializeEventsFromDom(t,e)module.On March 22, 2013, My Chemical Romance officially disbanded. I feel like they were the last real breath of fresh air to Britpop towards the end of its cycle. There’s a lot of really great women in Britpop - obviously Miki from Lush. Those three bands were all fronted by women. Mikey was into Oasis, so I would always listen to them. But later I would vastly appreciate Oasis. So it was pretty easy to choose Blur at that time. So there were kids in high school that were pretty annoying that were into them. ( What’s the Story) Morning Glory did feel like a record that strongly connected with America. I was a strong Blur supporter because at the time, Oasis was really connecting with America. If I were more mature at the time, I would have just said I liked both. And there was this rivalry thing that happened, and you were almost made to feel like you had to choose sides. I did like Oasis, but it took me time to warm up to them because I was so attached to Blur. Which is one of the main elements of what he was doing: He wasn’t trying to prove anything. I feel so much more relaxed and confident, and it’s not about proving something. I feel way more connected now to someone like Jarvis when I’m. I was almost the opposite onstage: I was putting a lot of effort into what I was doing. It was dramatic, but it was paced really well.

gerard way hesitant alien album cover

I strove to become more like Freddie Mercury because I didn’t feel like I was ready to pull in that influence from Jarvis Cocker. I was an intense frontman in My Chemical Romance. And then This Is Hardcore came out that’s my favorite Pulp album. I followed them through Different Class and then discovered their back catalogue. When I think of Britpop, I think of Pulp. To me, Pulp really solidified what Britpop was. I always thought of them as an alternative band. It was like the pop from Britain was the rebellious answer to American rock and grunge. To me, that was the biggest kind of rebellion that I could think of. There’s just such a true fucking nature to it. It was just bad video footage of people on vacation. The first track I heard and the first video I watched was “Girls and Boys.” I strongly tie artists to their visual representation, and they had this video that looked like it was made for nothing. But in the States, these bands were probably playing places like Irving Plaza and smaller. And that was when “ Girls & Boys” just hit and they were becoming a big deal in England. There was a cover of Select magazine that had Damon on it wearing a private-school uniform. So that just really spoke to me and opened me to different things and different kinds of people. That was a pretty powerful image coming from a place that was homophobic. Even the album cover has two boys making out. I just responded to it, I connected with it. To me, it was very glam, very romantic, very dark, and it also did have an element of pop. That was probably before, at least in the U.S., it was being called Britpop. The first thing I remember is buying the first Suede album. I think that’s why my album feels so sonically cohesive I was looking at albums like Station to Station. “There’s a lot of David Bowie worship in Britpop, and it comes from this long tradition that to me started with him.

Gerard way hesitant alien album cover